Fact: Every 1000kWh saved is the same as planting 16 trees

RecycleElectricty.net certifies and validates the savings of electrical energy efficient products.

Join the Movement to Recycle Electricity©!

  • Look for the Electricity Recycler Logo where you do business
  • Support environmentally-friendly businesses
  • Electricity recyclers have lower operating costs
  • Ask your favorite businesses to recycle electricity too!
  • Do business with our list of certified electricity recyclers

Why Get Certified?

  • Validate your savings
  • Demonstrate your commitment to the environment
  • Improve marketability
  • Contact us to get certified


Save Money!

Is my Electricity Recycler
saving money?

By reducing their electricity usage, businesses who recycle electricity save money on their electric bills.

Help the Environment!

Certified Electricity Recyclers are proven to reduce the amount of energy they use so they’re also reducing their carbon footprint.

Increase Advertising!

Use our emblem to show customers that you recycle electricity! Your company’s name will also appear on our website, which means free advertising for you!