There are many things you can do to benefit your household budget and help the planet at the same time. Often, it is the getting started that is the hardest part and once we set things in motion we find it not at all difficult to do.
Cooking at Home
We can save quite a bit of money by cooking and eating at home. Buying whole foods is easier on the planet, better for our bodies, and easier on the budget. Bringing your lunch to work is another way to improve things for yourself and your environment.
Monitor the Thermostat
You can make a difference by just dialing up or down a few degrees. A programmable thermostat can make that commitment even easier. You can pre-program your furnace to warm up an hour or so before you wake up and cool down an hour or so after you go to bed. The reverse is true for air conditioning. Taking advantage of these tools can really make a difference.
Conserve Water
It takes a few times to get used to the idea but turning off the water while you brush your teeth or the shower while you are soaping up can save a lot over the coarse of a month. There is no need to let all that water just run down the drain when it is so easy to temporarily turn it off.
We’ll talk about more ways to conserve in future posts. Together, we can make a big difference in our impact on earth’s precious resources.